Sunday, July 24, 2011

Homemade Tea biscuits and blueberry port coulis

Great easy dessert in 20min start to finish!

Tea biscuits - 2C of flour, 4tspn of baking powder, 1tspn salt, 1/2C butter....mixed together baked at 4oo for 11min.

Blueberry port coulis -mix 2C blueberry's, 1/4C sugar....a tad of port (Taylor Fladgate 10yr)....boil and stir....gently lower heat and pour in more port until u have added 1/2C....add a tspn of white balsamic vinegar, 1tspn of lime juice, let it thicken over medium heat, stirring constantly.

Slice tea biscuit, spoon coulis inside, close and spoon more coulis over the top and serve:-)

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